Indie Wire blogged about the final scene of “Captain Phillips” and how Tom Hanks should have earned an Oscar nomination for that, and I fully agree. I usually don’t get too emotional in public but when I saw this scene I couldn’t help myself. Tom’s insightful performance literally took my breath away. Watch the final scene below. Even though Tom isn’t nominated himself, “Captain Phillips” made it in 6 other categories. Don’t forget to watch the Oscars on March 2nd on ABC. Read Indie Wire’s article here.
According to Tom will visit Potsdam, Germany next month, to shoot his new film “A Hologram for the King“, written by Dave Egger and directed by Tom Tykwer. Sounds exciting!
Now I would like to take the chance and thank you all for welcoming this page. I am glad that is finally online! Secondly, I want to apologize for the welcome message I put up first. A fan confronted me with the way I wrote it and criticized that I called myself “the #1 source“, which she thinks is rude towards other established sites dedicated to Tom – and I fully understand. I want you to know, that I don’t think this site is better than any other site, I don’t even have proper content! I wasn’t aware that this inconsiderate remark might insult anyone and I didn’t want to disrespect or offend anyone. I am truly sorry, I should have known better, but now I do.